slightly overwhelming

4:32 PM

My boss, Sara, gave me a gift certificate for my birthday to our local greenhouse, Medary Acres. I don't have quite the green thumb, although I would like to have one! I always get my plants and flowers at Walmart or Runnings, and I guess if you want a "real" garden, you are supposed to get your stuff at a greenhouse. So, Avery and I adventured out this afternoon with a gift certificate in hand. To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. I had no clue what I was doing, what aisle I was down, and what was a shade flower or sun flower. Something we really did like was the fun moss sculptures they made up. Here is Harry the Heron...

We had a great time, Avery and I. It was a nice little outing for just us to take. Avery was as clueless as I was, so that made me feel better... Here is what we came home with! A BEAUTIFUL flowering plant thing...I wish I remembered the name! BUT, I love it! Thank you Sara!

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