11:29 PM

I think I'm going to pump till Liv graduates high school...

Sure, there are some down sides.
15 minutes of sitting on the floor while feeling like a cow....twice a day....
Having to worry about what I'm wearing, and if it's something that wouldn't show leaks.

But, there sure is a BIG, GIGANTIC positive... I've lost weight!

They say pumping is like burning 500 calories a day...that's a lot...really, that's a ton...

Since having Liv, I have lost all the "baby" weight from both girls. I now weigh what I did when I got pregnant with Avery. (Not bragging. If you saw me in person, you'd see I still have lots of junk in da trunk!) This is by pumping....only...

I wouldn't get on a treadmill if you paid me, and I don't eat very healthy at all....really, I don't.

Seriously....don't you think most woman would rather sit down for 15 minutes twice a day while burning calories, than actually sweating them off some other way?

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I love that darn pump....

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