4:52 PM

I went along this morning on Avery's first school field trip! We went to a little 'ma and 'pa farm/garden type thing. There's not a lot to write, as we didn't 'do' a whole lot. Lots of walking through muddy fields though, which is always fun...

Here is Avery with her partner for the day, Katera (cool name, huh?)

Here is Avery's teacher and classmates picking out a class pumpkin!

Avery didn't like getting very dirty, so she tried to walk in the 'cleaner' areas!

All the kiddos got to pick out a gourd to take home! Here is Avery with what she thought was called a "gordman"! (There is a store in BIG TOWN called Gordman's)

Avery's Pre-K class!
Me and my precious under the weeping willow tree! Oh, and yes...I am sporting a new darker hair color...
Snack time!
Pringles...always a crowd favorite!
So, that's that! It wasn't much of a fun filled field trip, but least I got to know the kiddos in her class a bit more! All in all, a fun time!

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