Livvie had a big accident today that involved her forehead and our glider chair. She just tries to do way too much! As I was on the phone with Sara, not 2 feet from her, Liv did a header into the wood of our glider. I immediately hung up, and for 10 minutes tried to soothe my poor baby. I know this is just one of many owies, but I still HATE it when my girls get hurt! I think it looks kind of like a uni-brow, don't you? Below is a photo of the part that she banged her forehead on. It's the black and wood piece. Dumb just wait. When Livvie gets bigger, she's gonna give it to you! :)
40 year old wife of 19 years, mother to 2 lovely daughters and a crazy 6 year old boy, Jesus lover... learning along the way. I fail in many more ways than I succeed. I am short tempered, I despise cooking and many of the typical 'house-wife' tasks. I'm a work in progress.
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