While Avery was at school, Livvie played with her babies
Avery was reading stories to us...really reading. She's good, I tell ya!
The photos that were on my former header, were from last Easter. I thought it was about time that I updated my OWN blog page, for a change! So with the help of IStock Photo, and Photoshop Elements, I did a new lil' header for myself! I think I still need to do a bit of editing, but I was just too anxious to put it up!
I'm going to regret staying up this late when I wake up in the morning, I just know it....
Hope you all are having a great weekend!
yup...Livvie is 15 months old...
We had her check up today. Can't say it was bad, can't say it was good.
My peanut weighs only 19 lb, 12 oz ...she's in the 5th%
she is 30 inches long...the 25th %
I get it...she's little...(maybe it's because she runs around the house like a crazy woman all day long and wears off the food she does eat)
I had a big long post typed out, but I don't feel like going into details about our visit. I'll just put some bullet points.
Anyhow, it's no big revelation that Liv is a handful. Saying she's full of energy and inquisitive, seems to be the understatement of the year...
PG's parents say over and over "She's just like he was". Great, I have YOU to thank my dear husband....
Maybe I should be the pastor, and YOU can stay home all day-every day with your "Mini-me"
I love you Livvie...to the moon and back. Even if you cause me to get gray hair before the age of 30, I still love you...
Today is one of those days....one of THOSE days...
It's so cold out, that it literally stings. The wind outside makes me shiver, and again...
Husband, why do we live where it is so dreadfully cold? URGH!
In other news, I am daily impressed with my little Avery. I can't tell you how proud I am of her reading abilities. Daddy and I have not pushed it in any way, and it is amazing how she has just picked it up. And, she doesn't just read easy words anymore...she can read long words that end in "ing", and "th" words...I'm just so impressed with her. I hope she knows how proud we are!
And, then Liv...what to say about my adorable, love able, little tornado! She is just now getting over her ump-teenth cold that was given to us all (again) by Avery. Liv has also learned in the last day, how to jump! She laughs and is just so proud of herself. Another accomplishment, not as note-worthy, she has learned how to get up and sit on our end tables, and also on her sisters dresser...
So, there I am...caught up, I think!
The little girlies arrived, and carefully picked which Princess they were going to be. Such a hard choice, I'm sure... Avery changed a few times, as did the other girls....
Avery, as Rapunzel
Jenna, in her own dress, wanted to be a "twirling girl"
And, Taylor ended up being Jasmine...
After some dress up, we headed out to "learn to dance like a Princess". Um, yes...that's Livvie, and um yes...she's in a ballerina costume too!!
Avery has since changed to Snow White, too....
Livvie was right in the middle of the action
They sure did a great job dancing!!!
By the end of the party, Avery had given birth to this little prince, named Derek. And yes, changed her outfit, once again!Me and the Princesses!!!!!
I can only imagine what her "Sweet 16" will be like....if they even do that anymore....
1 year today, I gave into the peer pressure from my friend, whom I'll call "Mel". I loved how she had this cool journal to put all her photos and jot down daily happenings at her house. So, I also joined bloggie world, and here I am....1 year later...
Thanks to "Mel", I have a fun blogging business, I have re-connected with old friends, I have made new friends across the country, and I have just really enjoyed journaling about our lives.
So, here's my humble thank you to "Mel"...here's 2 photos of her and I when we were a tad younger...