
She says...

4:46 PM

"Mom...I don't remember when I was growing in your tummy...do you think when I was in there, I just layed there and looked at your bones?"
My reply..."Hmmmm".....
And, on that note...


7:36 PM

Don't know about you all, but it was cold here today...I mean, really cold. The kind of cold that makes you wonder why you live in this part of the country - cold .
But, the girls STILL had to dress up in their Christmas duds...

Here's Livvie...our little tornado...

I just LOVE her dress this year! I got it at Target, of all places! It was so fun to see her prancing around in it!

And, there's Avery...non-photogenic Avery. She doesn't look at the camera unless the flash is off, so this is the best I got!

Christmas lovin'

Our bestest friends, Dustin and Ashley, took us out for lunch today! We went to a fun sports bar in town, one that we had never been. It was SOOOOO fun, and we will definitely go back! Nana Judy would LOVE this place on a Sunday afternoon...TV's all over to watch EVERY football game going on! We had taken Dustin and Ashley out the night before, so they were paying us back the favor...How nice it is to have such great friends....

Liv was worn out from the cold weather. Oh, and yup....she's sick...AGAIN! Got a cold from Daddy this time. I'm just getting it, so this next week should just be lovely...

They didn't have the type of fries that Avery usually eats, but with some cheering her on, she dove in, and ate the waffle fries! We gave high 5's all around, and told her how proud we were of her! She grinned from ear to ear!

They had a game room there, so we tried our hand at darts! I must say, my Avery is a pretty good shot (ha!!) If you look closely, you can see the red dart in the air above the #1 by the blue wall. She didn't quite make that one, but she had fun trying! Look at that follow-through...

Here's what her target looked like after throwing about 15 times...2 stuck! Oh well, she had fun even if she's not the best aim!

We came home, and the girls (read-AVERY) wanted to open up a present. So, we let them open up one of their 'joint' gifts...a fun doll car seat/feeding set! Liv is really into babies, so it was fun to watch her play with her new toy. I think she actually "gets" it...

Here is her baby, in the new little carrier she got...

Not 2 hours later, another begging session went on, and yup...we opened up one more present. Avery got a Island Princess DVD, and Livvie got this Fisher Price roll around ball gumball thing. She thinks it's pretty schnazzy...

We will be home tomorrow, just the 4 of us. This is the first Christmas since PG and I have been together, that it's just been 'us'. We have the Christmas Eve service at church tomorrow evening, and then we're off to A-TOWN for a couple days!

8:06 PM

The only reason we celebrate the manger...... Is because we so DESPERATELY need the cross...
John 3:17;
"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved."
May JESUS be the one your heart celebrates this Christmas...
Merry Christmas!
Love, Our Family

2:49 PM

Thanks, everyone, for your beautiful Christmas Cards this year!
We have enjoyed them VERY much!!!

2:22 PM

My hubby, nice guy that he is, agreed that since I AM making a fairly good chunk of change doing bloggie designs, that maybe...just MAYBE, I needed a computer that was a little more, shall we say, speedy...
So, I guess I'll be expecting my Christmas present one of these weeks... Check it out!
And, what girl doesn't like accessories too!...he also picked up one of these!

I'm gonna be 'pimpin' in style y'all!

Merry Christmas Grandpa Myron!

12:26 PM

Thanks SO much for the Christmas card! Here is what we bought with the Christmas money you sent! A Hannah Montana wig, a cute princess phone, a Veggie Tales DVD, and a farm animal truck for Livvie!
Hopefully Uncle Larry will print this off so you can see it! We hope you have a wonderful Christmas too!

Our little Hoarder

11:45 AM

We own like 8 suckies for Livvie. She needs them when she takes naps and sleeps at night. We always like to have a couple on hand around us, so we can stick them in her mouth as she's getting ready to sleep.

Last night, I looked EVERYWHERE, and after 10 minutes of looking, Daddy found one. Thank God...

Then, today, he was in the office and, geez, guess what he found?

A pile of suckies, that our little Livvie was hoarding in a pile...

seriously?....crazy little sweet Livvie....

Christmas Party!

8:40 PM

Today was Avery's "Happy Birthday Jesus" party at school. We had great fun watching our little girl all dressed up and performing.

Here is Mary talking to miss Livvie...

There she is with Joseph!
"wrapping Jesus in swaddling clothes"...

After the play, they all lined up and sang a few songs for us!

And, took a well deserved bow!

Then, the kiddos and parents got to decorate gingerbread houses together. Avery wasn't too into it, probably because most of the candy she was allergic to...

Daddy was on "Livvie patrol". There is no containing our little tornado

Here she is with Mrs. P!
Then, the girls and I had some down time after lunch in their room. I took my camera with, and captured some photos of my crazy ladies...
Liv's like, "what's up?"
Here she is doing 'touchdown'!

Look at those top 2 teeth....I swear they've been trying to poke through for about a month now. The girl STILL only has 2 teeth, and she's almost 14 months!
We also got a Christmas card from Grandpa Myron today, and we will have to take a picture with all the toys we bought with his Christmas money! We would have taken another one tonight, but the girls were both worn out from a long day... (us too!)


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