8:22 PM
little by little we are getting settled....
we love our new house...i mean, we really love it...
we're getting more and more organized and it's feeling like home more each day!
earlier this week the girls went exploring. back beyond our backyard is a very large dirt pile. they named it their mountain, and like to go and climb it.
yesterday a big dirt truck came and dumped some stinky dirt in our yard. today they spread it out around the front, back, and sides. maybe, just maybe, our landscaping and sod will be coming soon....one can hope, right?
and tonight, we had playdough time on the deck. pay no attention to the little poo here and there...
in other news, school here is ending on Friday. We found out yesterday who Avery's teacher is, and we are so grateful that the teacher is the one we had hoped for. Avery's school goes above and beyond to make families happy, and this family is one of them! :) A wonderful little girl is in her class, too, and both her mother and I are sooo excited for them to be together!
Also, Avery had a STAR reading test done at the end of April, and we just got the results from that. She tested at a 4.8, which is similar to that of a 4th grader, 8 months into the school year (basically 5th grade, right?). We are so grateful that she has continued to enjoy learning and that she is excelling! What a proud mom and dad we are!!! Keep it up Avery!!!
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