the week in rewind...

6:46 PM

Monday: Liv's 1st speech lesson
lice discovered in Avery's classroom
Tuesday: Kept Avery home from school because I am freaked out about lice
Wednesday: Long day...I was a mean mommy, my girls were jumping off the walls, and 8 pm could not of come any faster
Thursday: Daddy and Avery went out for a date to Applebees and lovely
Friday: Liv spiked a temp in the morning but didn't get sick...hmmm....
Mom and Dad had a lovely evening out with friends
Lovely friends came over to house to chat till 1 am
Saturday: Avery and Mommy went to BIG town to do some fun shopping and pick up Liv's photos.
Sunday: church, naps, laundry, family....

Please offer up a few prayers that my girls will be on their BEST behavior Monday-Wednesday. Lots going on, and Mommy needs to not have crabby whiny girls!!!

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