Our visit from Nana Dianne
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We really enjoyed having Nana here for a couple days. She came Thursday night, and didn't leave till Monday, so that was nice! She slept in Avery's room, so they had a slumber party each night, which Avery thought was really neat. Mom watched the girls for me when I went to work. I did call every hour to see how they were, and of course, they were fine, and probably better behaved than they are with me. Mom took me to get my hair cut, went grocery shopping with PG, and even let PG and I drive her new Dodge Dakota truck! But, most of our time was spent at home, watching the two most precious girls play. Avery has such an imagination, and we found ourselves laughing at her and looking at each other in amazement at how grown up she is getting. Liv loved having someone else to look at, hold her, and play with her. It is so nice to have another set of hands around here to help out, that's for sure. Mom always keeps the house more tidy than I, and just jumps right in to take care of what needs to be done. PG and I don't need a break from our girls, but it sure is nice to have someone else here to tend to them. And, the neat part.....I don't think she minds doing it at all!
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