It seems that ever since Olivia was about 2 months old, she has been having a number of poopy "accidents". For the last month or so, there is at least one outfit fatality a day. PG and I both agree that Avery never had these kind of accidents daily...maybe once or twice a week. We buy the expensive diapers, that by the way, are 10 cents a piece. We put them on her the right way, after all, there's not really much you can do wrong there. You'd think that we were in the clear, but no. It just keeps happening! When I hear a BIG noise coming from this adorable LITTLE girl, I just know what is in store for me. I walk over to her, and she's all smiles, and then comes the stink. I pick her up, and look at her back, and sure enough...another explosion through 2 layers of clothing. So, needless to say, I'm getting tired of the explosive poop already...
40 year old wife of 19 years, mother to 2 lovely daughters and a crazy 6 year old boy, Jesus lover... learning along the way. I fail in many more ways than I succeed. I am short tempered, I despise cooking and many of the typical 'house-wife' tasks. I'm a work in progress.
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