
9:58 PM

I was just gonna get on here and talk about how fun our day was....

How the girls were getting along together this morning...

How much fun Olivia had at a birthday party....

How nice it was to have some alone time with just Avery today for 2 hours....

How I found some great stuff at our bargain stores here
(seriously...ever wonder where the curtain "displays pieces" go?
I found a WHOLE BIN of beautiful pieces of curtain fabric for 50 cents a piece...awesome steal)

How nice the weather was today, and how the girls and I went to the pool for a bit, even though the water was cold.


my words, and my actions tonight seem to totally outweigh those fun things.

I have a quick temper. It doesn't come out a lot, but it sure seems like lately it's been coming out a lot more with my girls. When they're too loud, when they get Winnie all crazy, etc.

I was going to get on here and pout a bit about how horrible I girls all tucked in bed, and I was so rude and short with them tonight.

AND then, I get on the computer to write, and check my messages, and my father just posted the below on facebook for me to see....


May I think twice before I raise my voice, and choose my words carefully with my girls.....

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