
15 Weeks

9:57 PM

(after eating, but I'm still sporting a large bump)

Holy cow...I'm carrying an orange!  

Pretty crazy how fast this little baby is growing!

Heartbeat is still averaging around 140-155 when I check it at home!

How far along: 15 weeks

Symptoms: crampy, headaches

Total weight gain: around 13 lbs
Maternity clothes: yup
Stretch marks: nothing new
Sleep: i am not as tired as last week
Best moment of this week: hearing wonderful things about the girls from their teachers at school!
Miss anything: sleeping on my tummy
Movement: not yet!
Food cravings: brats
Anything making you queasy or sick: nah
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: hoping girl, expecting boy :)  less than 5 weeks to go!

Adios school!

3:56 PM

a few more pictures from the girls' last day!

Last day of Kindergarten and 4th grade

9:12 AM

I wanted to take some pictures in front of our yard this morning, but we had quite the thunderstorm!  These will have to do!

So fun to look back at how the girls have grown!  Liv has changed soooo much, and look how long her hair is? ;)

Olivia LOVED having Mrs S as a teacher this year....it will be interesting to see how she handles the goodbye at the end of the day today :(

Avery wanted to wear the same thing she wore on the first day of school! :)  Her hair is a bit longer, but not as much of a difference as Liv!

She LOVED having Mrs A as her teacher.  She was so wonderful with Avery, and we were very happy with how the year went!

Hard to believe the girls will be on summer break tomorrow....here's hoping for no fights, few tears, and lots of fun days!


8:54 PM

Last week, Avery had to present a tornado experiment.  We did a video of her making the tornado, and I couldn't help but snap a photo, too :)

Her Enrichment class also put on eulogies for characters from the Hamlet play.  She was SO dramatic, and did such a great job!  I was quite surprised, given the large audience of peers and parents, but she was a great little performer!

Today was a nice day!  The girls played outside, and well, had lots of fun with water!

I have been busy planting!  I don't know much about what I'm doing, but here is what I have done for this year :)

I planted my pumpkins as well..I have 5 large containers that are about 12 inches deep each, so we shall see what happens out there!

Avery brought home a tomato plant from school, so we will see how it does!

When I went to buy flowers last week, Olivia came with.  She begged and begged for a large rose bush to plant, and I just couldn't stomach the price tag.  Luckily they had small little rose bushes inside from Mother's Day left over on clearance!  She was happy, and momma was happy with the price, too :)

Memorial Day Weekend...

6:40 PM

 Olivia took a maternity dress that a friend of mine is borrowing me, and made it her own! ;)  Girl loves her fashion!

Nana and Bapa were here for a couple of days....we went to Applebees on Sunday night!  And, Avery has straight hair :)  We thought we'd do something a little different....

Sophie, Winnie and Mesa waiting for Bapa to come home....

I am growing pumpkins this summer.  I planted 72 of them (ha!) and I think about 6 different kinds.  We shall see what comes of it :)

2 more days of school left here, and then summer is here, and I officially have a 1st and 5th grader on my hands!  I see hours of relaxing at the pool in our future!


14 weeks

10:18 PM

May 24 - 30

On Monday I had my follow up gallbladder surgeon appt.  She decided that, given how things are going, that we will continue to keep it in until after the baby is born.  If I have any attacks, then we will take it out.  She said that she will take it out around 1 month after the baby is born, and then the stent will be taken out 1-2 weeks after that.  So, not looking forward to all of that with a new baby, but it IS what is best for the baby in the long run...

How far along: 14 weeks

Symptoms: crampy, headaches

Total weight gain: around 13 lbs
Maternity clothes: yup
Stretch marks: nothing new
Sleep: i had to have 2 naps this week...i was exhausted
Best moment of this week: planting!
Miss anything: yummy foods!
Movement: nope
Food cravings: brats, pineapple
Anything making you queasy or sick: nah
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: hoping girl, expecting boy :)


13 Weeks

1:41 PM

May 10 - 16

another eventful week around here!  last Friday I began having some bladder pain, but the urine test came back negative.  Still had pain and discomfort all weekend long, so finally on Tuesday I called my OB, and they said to come down to be looked at.  So, I spent 3 hours yesterday in the hospital getting all looked over.  I have crystals and blood in my urine, and am taking some pills to help relax my bladder a bit.  This little "Peach" sure is causing my body to have some issues!!!

How far along: 13 Weeks

Symptoms:  bladder pain, frequent trips to bathroom, chesty, headaches, still feeling "off"
Total weight gain: 13 at dr office (really 10)
Maternity clothes: yes
Stretch marks: nothing new
Sleep: still loving it
Best moment of this week: celebrating our anniversary
Miss anything: pop, hamburgers, french fries, having a body that worked right
Movement: nope
Food cravings: i did really want Taco Johns chips and cheese twice this week...
Anything making you queasy or sick: hot foods...i really am liking foods that are cold
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: 7 more weeks (July 3rd i think?)
Happy or moody most of the time: mixture of both
Looking forward to: finding out boy or girl, and to begin feeling like myself again.


8:40 PM

We went out and bought ourselves a brand new tree today!  Our old one didn't come back this year, and although that was sad, we're so happy with this new one! :)  It's so pretty :)

13th Wedding Anniversary

8:39 PM

I have to believe that a coincidence like this will only happen this once:

13th Wedding Anniversary
on the 13th of May
in the year 2013
while we are in our 13th week of pregnancy

Crazy! :)  It's fun to look back at where we have come:

Track and Field

8:36 PM

Avery's school had Track and Field Day last Friday!  She ran the 100 meter, 200 meter, and did a softball throw and a frisbee toss!

We were so proud of her for giving it her best! :)

8:34 PM

One morning last week as we were getting ready, we were greeted by these lovelies out back.  

It never gets old seeing them out there!  It will be a sad sad day when they start building back there :(

Teacher Appreciation was last week!  It's always nice to give the teachers a little something to show them how much we appreciate them! :) So thankful for them!

Mother's Day

8:27 PM

My Mother's Day was kinda rotten....I had a nasty headache until about 5 pm, so I spent most of the day in my bed.  Olivia was so sweet to go and pick me some flowers :)

They also each made me something special at school.  This here is from Livie :)


And, Avery's....the cats out of the bag that i have a sleeping obsession i guess :)


Such sweet girls!  I am blessed!


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