so random...
8:36 PMI've been bad at taking an posting photos the last few weeks. Here are 3 that have been on my camera that are worthy of note...
Nana Judy and Bapa Ron came down to visit us a couple weeks ago. We had a fun day, as always, and it was too short of a visit (as always). Here are the girls with Nana doing some computer! Avery always seems to blink...
I have purchased the girls snowsuits for next year already. I think I got them each about 70% off the retail price. I love that they match, but are still different. I LOVE ebay...
Nana Dianne and Bapa Craig sent Avery a gift for doing so well at trying new foods...She has been asking for a bonnet for so long, and she finally got one! Now she's a real "Pioneer"! (again...eyes closed...)
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