Child-like FAITH

8:35 AM

Here is our Avery with her Bible boards. When Avery was about 2 or so, she became a walking "movie player". She would play out whole scenes from her princess movies, and even use different voices for the characters. Her memorazation skills were, and still are, astounding! We found a series of bible movies, from the Beginners Bible, and she LOVES them. They are so much better than the Veggie Tales movies that we also have. Avery is able to relate the bible stories to actual people, and not vegetables! Well, her facination with the bible has gone to a new level this last year. We have enjoyed watching these videos with her and playing the stories with her also. Being a former preschool teacher, I have always hated flannel boards. Well, I gave in. We found the bible characters from her videos at the christian book store, and she was WAY too excited. So, we bought some of the stories so she can play out the stories with the real people, and not her barbies!

These are some chalk drawing I HAD to do for Avery this past summer. Suprisingly, my daughter does not like to color, or do much with chalk. But, again, I had to draw her bible friends on our driveway so she can play with them outside too! You can see the Nativity, Moses, and some of the Noah and David and Goliath stories above...I tried.
I hope that Avery shares her enjoyment for bible stories with Olivia. We just can't say enough how it puts such joy in our hearts to see her so "into" bible stories. I hope it stays that way...

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