
33 weeks

9:29 PM

How far along: 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 24-25 ish...

Symptoms: contractions, getting tired more easily, very unmotivated

Maternity clothes: yup
Stretch marks: nothing new!
Sleep: love it, and seems like I am almost needing a daily nap.
Best moment of this week: really enjoyed some time with our friends Dustin and Ashley...that was really nice!
Miss anything: not feeling like i'm tired all the time
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: no
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: boy
Labor signs:  8-10 contractions a day
Looking forward to: getting things set up for this baby!  we haven't done anything yet...waiting for the puppies to leave first!

Puppies are 6 weeks!

9:10 PM

We have been spending a lot of time outside!  At least a couple of times a day!  The puppies LOVE it, and it tires them out, which I love!  I also love when they pee and poo outside rather than inside!

Don't let him tell you he doesn't like these pups :)

Dixie sleeping....smiling!

Rocky cuddling with his siblings


32 Weeks

9:05 PM

How far along: 32 Weeks
Total weight gain: 24-25 ish...

Symptoms: contractions, getting tired more easily

Maternity clothes: yup
Stretch marks: nothing new!
Sleep: love it, and seems like I am almost needing a daily nap.
Best moment of this week: mom got me a massage!  can't wait to use it sometime in the coming weeks
Miss anything: not feeling like i'm tired all the time
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: no
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: boy
Labor signs:  8-10 contractions a day
Looking forward to: another appt this Thursday!


31 Weeks

10:06 PM

Had my dr appt this last Thursday.  Baby's heartbeat is around 130, and he is head down.  I go back in 2 weeks again..

How far along: 31 Weeks
Total weight gain: 24-25 ish...

Symptoms: contractions, getting tired more easily

Maternity clothes: yup...bought some fall stuff this last week.
Stretch marks: nothing new!
Sleep: love it, and seems like I am almost needing a daily nap.
Best moment of this week: got to eat at Noodles :)
Miss anything: it's kind of hard to bend over and clean up after the puppies with my large belly....would be kind of nice if that wasn't in the way so much!
Movement: lots!
Food cravings: no
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: boy
Labor signs:  8-10 contractions a day
Looking forward to: sewing some more stuff before baby boy comes!

in the 4th week....

9:00 PM

The puppies had been peeing and pooing on each other for the last week, so I gave them their first bath!  Their fur curled right on up!  They were soooooo cold after, that they huddled together in front of a heater and shivered!

they moved into their LARGE kennel this last week.  Lots more space to run around and pee..... 

They are LOVING human interaction, too!  They so enjoy being held, and just climbing on us!

Sunday, they started real food!  it's beyond smelly, but they LOVE it!  Seems like Sonny and Dixie are the ones who are enjoying the food the most!

We also have been enjoying the nice weather, too!  They are enjoying crawling around in the grass more and more each time we go outside!


sweet Dixie




And, they turned 4 weeks this last Sunday, and here are their pictures! 

We have had a hard week with miss Dixie.  Something didn't seem right with her for the past week or so, and I just couldn't wait any longer.  Our suspicions were correct, and the vet confirmed that she is blind :(  We have been very sad for her, but really, she is just as happy and healthy as the others.  She doesn't know what she is missing, and she is enjoying her life just fine.  From what I've read, puppies with blindness can live a very healthy and happy life, since their sense of smell is what drives them the most.  She's just as precious as ever, and we love her and want the best little life for her that we can give!


29/30 Weeks

5:27 PM

with the change in my due date, I am now 30 weeks, but still thought I'd document that I was at once 29 weeks, too :)

How far along: 30 weeks 
Total weight gain: 22 ish?

Symptoms: headaches, have a cold this week

Maternity clothes: yes
Stretch marks: 1 new one
Sleep: love it, but not getting enough straight hours of it
Best moment of this week: seeing baby on ultrasound, finding out he looks great, and scheduling his birth date
Miss anything: being able to sleep on my back and my tummy
Movement: lots...he is head down now.
Food cravings: cherry berry chiller from McD's, which ours stopped carrying :(
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: yea
Gender: boy
Labor signs:  still about 8-10 contractions a day
Looking forward to: continuing to get ready for baby!


another peek at baby BOY!

5:19 PM

Because of Avery's issues at birth,  we both pregnancies thereafter, we have had a 30 week ultrasound to look over baby very closely from top to bottom with a specialist.  Today was that day! :)

Baby boy is completely healthy and we are so thankful!  He is weighing 3 lb 4 ounces, and they decided to move up my due date 1 week!  So, now the official due date is November 16th!

He has some hair already, which was a first for me to see on one of MY kiddos.... :)

We met with a wonderful doctor who gave us a consultation on what our options are for delivery, considering that I have had 2 previous csections.  We decided to schedule a surgery date, and if my body decides to go into labor before, then we will monitor labor very carefully and try to go that route!  He was a wonderful doctor, and we both feel very comfortable with him delivering our SON!

We are also pretty sure on his name, so that will be coming soon.  So hard to figure out a boy name!

oh the joy....

6:34 AM

of being a sick pregnant mother of 2 sick girls with a nursing dog and 5 puppies.

this is what my night usually looks like:

go to sleep around midnight after making sure that Winnie has enough food and water for the night and the puppies kennel is fairly clean....

wait for Winnie to ring the bell, which is at least 1-2 times a night to go outside, because she is eating and drinking for 6.  when she goes outside, then I need to fill up her water and food, which is usually close to gone....already.  i also have to make sure that i don't let any moths in the house when letting her in, and if i do, then i have to hunt it down and kill it.

i then check in on the puppies to make sure there is no giant mess that needs my attention...

being pregnant, i then have to go to the bathroom, and most likely have a snack because i'm hungry.

then, i lay in bed for at least 10 minutes or so, because falling back asleep when you have a baby jabbing you in the ribs is kind of hard, plus my mind doesn't shut off that easy...

once i fall asleep, one or both, of the two sick girls will wake up.  Usually needing a nebulizer treatment, a glass of water, and then come into bed with me and continue to keep me up for hours on end coughing.  During this time, I am also miserable, because the girls have shared their cold with me, so my head is usually pounding, throat is sore, and nose is clogged.

Once I then again finally fall back asleep, the bell is rung by Winnie again, and the cycle continues.....


good thing i can take a nice un-interrupted nap during the day, otherwise i don't know how much longer this could continue....

3 Weeks Old!

9:39 PM

It was a super nice day here on Saturday, so we figured it was time to let the puppies explore the outdoors!  Momma Winnie was close by, but prefered to stay in the shade :)

The pups didn't know quite what to think of the grass.  They walked around a bit, sniffed the grass, but really kind of wandered into our laps to sleep.

They turned 3 weeks old today!  They are starting to pee and poo on their own, so it's getting messy!  We moved them into their next step kennel, and they are enjoying having a bit more area to move around.  They also started to play with each other, and use their hind legs to scratch their ears.  So fun to see them learning and growing!


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