
trick or treating

9:02 PM

seriously, this parenting thing is so much work...especially this planning and getting all ready and dressed up for this trick or treating event. phew! by the time it was time to actually leave the house tonight, i was so tuckered out.

anyhow, the girls were Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood this year, thanks to costumes from Nana Dianne!

our neighborhood was a happening place to be tonight! lots of fun was had by all, and we got a chance to see lots of those we don't see that often!!! by the time we were done with all the houses, the girls were cold and tired, so it worked out great!

hoping next year to make their costumes! already planning away! :)

7th tooth, Kid of Character...

4:04 PM

on Monday night, Liv and Avery were being a little rowdy downstairs, and, how shall i say this, one of Avery's already loose teeth became even looser. It didn't hurt all that much, just bleeding, and ready to be pulled out. So, within 5 minutes, Avery was in the bathroom, and had her 7th tooth pulled out! :)

What a cinch that was! Wish they all were that easy! :) She got another letter from Twila the tooth fairy and 50 cents this time.


today, Avery came home with the "Kid of Character" award from school. Every 2 weeks a kid from each classroom is chosen to receive the award, and this time it was Avery's turn. It's a big deal for the kids, as they get to wear a fun shirt, get a certificate, have their photo taken, and all that fun stuff! Great job Avery! We are proud of you, and your 'Citizenship'! ;)

Harvest Party, School Pictures

3:51 PM

Livie had her Preschool Harvest Party today. She got to dress all up in her Little Red Riding Hood outfit along with her other classmates! She said (and I use that term loosely) that she tried pumpkin pie and also ate lots of cupcakes too. I think they played lots of games, carved a pumpkin, and probably a lot of other loud and obnoxious preschool stuff!

She also got back her Preschool school pictures today as well! She has a cheesy smile, but oh well! at least she's smiling! Not too shabby, for $30 photos....grrrrrr.....(i know, seriously, right?)

Olivia's Birthday

4:10 PM

The whole family was up bright and early, and sang Happy Birthday to Olivia at 7:09 am, right when she turned 4. Our little baby girl is 4....

We could barely contain our excitement, as Nana Judy, Bapa Ron and Aunt Holly were going to meet us at church. The girls were soooo excited, and waited on the steps until they walked into the doors...Liv looooooooves her Aunt Holly, so she was very excited to see her!!!!

The family posed for photos after church, but no way no how am I posting faces here. Just the cute girls...i could gaze at my girls' faces all day long...........

we went out to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant in town! Our favorite waiter brought Olivia ice cream and wanted her to wear the sombrero, but she was too scared. She let Aunt Holly wear it instead.

There he is....Gregorio! Our bestest waiter friend!!!

Back to our house to open presents!

Meet "Eva", Liv's new friend from Nana and Bapa!

Thank you Nana and Bapa!

And, Aunt Holly bought Liv a chest of outfits for Eva...clothes, and shoes and accessories! What more could a little girl ask for?

It's always so fun to see her expressions as the paper is torn off!

Big sister Avery was ever so helpful at reading the cards to Olivia! Thanks Uncle DJ, Aunt Rachelle and Cousins Noah and Blake for the card!!! :)

And, the super yummy cake! Liv wanted a twix cake, so she got one! There is a cake in there, surrounded by twix, and topped with m & m's.

It was a huge hit, and it sure looked cute!

Oh, and what party would be complete without someones hair catching on fire? Yup, I was so busy taking pictures, I didn't help Olivia put her hair behind her ears, and it caught on fire as I was taking this last picture. Nana Judy screamed, and Aunt Holly quickly got "it" out. Liv was terrified, and wouldn't blow out the candle, but all in all, we're okay!

Happy birthday to our beautiful blue eyed baby girl! :)

Happy 4th Birthday Olivia!

12:00 AM

Oh, sweet Olivia....today we celebrate YOU! Today you are 4 years old. Our sweet baby Liv...

I wish I could put into words how much your mommy and daddy love you. We love you with an un-ending never stopping love. Isn't amazing that Jesus loves you even more?

You have blessed all of our lives with your spicy personality and spunky little self!!!

Your personality has been quite the opposite of your sister, and we have had to adjust a bit to more activity, but we wouldn't have it any other way. You are our crazy little busy baby girl, and we love you that way!

You have such a sensitive heart and are so loving to others. You love to give hugs to friends and family, and are quick to sit on others laps, when you actually do sit down :)

We love you so intensely sweet girl, and are so thankful that you are ours! Happy 4th birthday Olivia!

school conferences...

1:12 PM

hubby and i met with Liv's speech teacher Rachel, and Avery's 2nd grade teacher Mrs. T last night.

both were wonderful,

Rachel said that Liv is making wonderful progress on her "L's, and we're now working on using pronouns correctly "she, her, his, him, etc". She also said she is so sweet and is a a fun little girl to be around. She's ever so spunky, and we look forward to seeing how this personality of hers develops! Olivia will continue speech until she enters Kindergarten. Her preschool conference is Thursday.

Avery conference with Mrs. T was wonderful. Every parent loves to hear nice things being said about your child, but it was just really encouraging to hear that Avery is continuing, year after year, to challenge herself and keeping her abilities over and above what they should be. We are so proud of the gifts she has been given, and that she has such a hunger to learn. Mrs. T seems to be so willing to want to challenge her as well, which is so important to helping her to keep on learning. We were able to share personally with Avery the words that Mrs. T and some of her other teachers spoke about her, and that was encouraging for Avery to hear. She loves to please others!

Good job girls! mommy and daddy are sooo proud of you!

Olivia's 4th birthday, take 1

11:49 AM

Nana Dianne and Bapa Craig are here and we're celebrating Nana's birthday and also Liv's 4th birthday, which is actually next weekend!

Liv wanted a blueberry muffin cake for her birthday, so that's what she got! She also got "Olivia" party theme plates, napkins and cups!!!

we couldn't leave Nana Dianne out, since it was actually her birthday, after all....we didn't have the number candles for her, so we used the 8 from Avery's birthday, and Liv's 4, so, she's 84! :)

Daddy didn't think that was too kind, so he wanted to move the candles around!

okay, so we're celebrating that she's 48 instead of 84 I guess now!

onto presents!!!

For Avery's birthday, Olivia gave Avery a #8 doll, so for Liv's birthday, Avery gave Liv a #4 doll!

she was super excited for this next one!


it was a great birthday!!! we get to celebrate again next weekend with the other grandparents and Aunt Holly too!!!


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