birthday dinner...

11:30 PM

what better way to welcome my 30's
than by sitting across from these two,
my family surrounding me,
and steak fajitas in front of me?

it was a good day....

30...bring it on...i'm ready for ya!

Our little vacation

10:09 PM

I didn't take a whole lot of photos on our vacation. I took some of the girls before hubby and I left for the weekend, but not so much after! ;)

Here is our re-cap...

9 AM - dr appt - had to go spend $50 on MORE meds for these girls!
1 - left for WI - 5 hour drive....long drive...
6 - arrived at Nana and Bapa's house finally!
Happy Joes BBQ Pizza! YUM YUM

Slept in late
mommy went to Once Upon A Child and Kohls
Culvers and Taco Bell for lunch
Hubby and I went out for a couple hours of shopping

our friend Matthew and Izzy came from Rochester to see us! Hubby and Matthew went and played golf, so Izzy the girls and I played at Nana and Bapa's house!

Avery was still sick...had a horrible cough

I just love her big blue eyes!

Havin a little licorice snack!

Izzy is a fan of licorice too!

outside with chalk! It was such a nice day in Wisconsin!

Liv made a couple masterpieces on the cement!

Izzy and Avery (with crazy, not-brushed hair)

Taking a little walk outside...

Getting ready to go out for supper! We went to Famous Dave's! YUM! (that's Matthew)

Pooped after a long day of playing...cuddling while watching a movie before Izzy had to go home...

Hubby and I left for the cities around 10:30. Sad to leave the girls, but they seemed to be okay and not care too much!

We stopped in Rochester to go to Carlos O'Kelly' of our favorites!

Then we went to the Rochester Super Target...another favorite! I didn't want to leave!!!

Drove the rest of the way to the Cities, checked in to our hotel, and off for some shopping!

First stop...IKEA...

This is the first time Hubby and I had been to Ikea. It was overwhelming to say the least! It was the most interesting shopping experience ever! We didn't shop for long, but we LOVED every minute we were there!

Across the street from Ikea was.....

Hubby and I spent the rest of the day at the Mall. We had a lot of fun shopping, and LOVED this store....

The American Girl store was soooo neat! Expensive, but neat! We took some video of it to show Avery, and she wants to go back there FOR SURE!!! We decided we'll have to take the girls back sometime this summer because they would LOVE Nickelodeon Play Land too!

We went to the Nascar store where hubby did some driving thing, we had an aqua massage, ate Chipolte, and visited countless this one...

We were tired by the end of the day, and crashed back at the hotel. Had a great nights sleep, and then woke up for day #2 in Mpls!

We met a new Pastor friend at Maria's Cafe in the downtown area. It was a happening place. There was a Spanish singer, and I had to laugh when someone requested for him to sing "Ring of Fire"... I giggled as he sang...he was good, but just something wasn't right about a Spanish speaking man singing a Johnny Cash song....

Hubby and I drove around Mpls, went past the new Twins Stadium, and saw lots of interesting people and places around the downtown area.

We went back to the hotel for a little rest, and then off to Saturday night service at John Piper's church...

It was "glorious" as my hubby would say. It was a wonderful service, and we were so grateful to have been able to have been there.

After Church we hit up Red Lobster, and then crashed again....long day!

We slept in, checked out of the hotel, and then met up with my college roommate Andrea, her hubby Brian, and her sweet baby Ella for lunch at Granite City. The hours passed way to quickly, but it was so great to see them all and catch up.

After lunch, we headed back to Wisconsin to re-unite with our girls! The reunion was great, we felt re-freshed and ready to jump back into the parenting thing...

And, yesterday, MONDAY, we drove home for what seemed like all day long....

Happy to be home, sad to have left Wisconsin, but we are happy none the less....

oh, and tomorrow, I turn 30...yah, crazy, huh?

when mom and dad are away, the girls will PLAY!

3:32 PM

We left Avery and Olivia with Nana Dianne and Bapa Craig from Friday morning-Sunday evening. Lots of fun was had by all, and I'm not sure the girls even missed us at all!

Here is Avery with Piper and Mesa, Nana and Bapa's dog...
Lil' miss piggy tails had to get in on the photo too!

Mesa and Piper are the best of friends. They played together the WHOLE week! Not sure how Mesa is doing today, but Piper is just sleeping and moping around...sweet baby Liv...

my beautiful Avery with her new puppy "Coconut"
I'm guessing this was taken around breakfast time on Saturday!
Nana Dianne and Avery did this 100 piece Star Wars puzzle together! Impressive!The first stop of their Saturday, was the Fun Fair at the school I went to as a child. This big blow up slide was a huge hit with the girls! Stories have it that Liv would climb up, sit at the top of the slide, and then not go down till Avery (who would have to get another ticket) would come up and encourage her down!

Next stop, Children's Museum! Avery had been looking forward to this for a long time!

Sitting in the Fire Truck with Bapa Craig directing!

Fire Chief Avery!Beep Beep....Here comes Liv!
They had a news station set up, and I guess Avery LOVED doing the weather!
They also have a mini gas station store there, and the girls both had a BLAST playing! I hear Liv really loved it!

Getting Nana some coffee!
Hot dogs anyone?
shop till you drop

"Mom....when are you coming home?"
Liv LOVED playing in the "Mississippi River"And Avery LOVED the exibit....Grossology...It's all about zits, warts, toots, burps, and how your digestion works...

Here is Mr. Snot. green snot comes out of his nose...
the wart and zit climbing gross is that?
Not quite sure what Liv is doing here, and I'm sure she didn't quite know either....
Real life OPERATION!

So, that is the photos from Nana's camera about the girls' time they had! More to come once I can get my photos downloaded!

home again...

9:10 AM

just returned last night from our week long vacation...

i'm busy tackling my inbox and trying to get caught up!

Lots of photos to come!!!

Liv's Language

10:48 PM

yaya - Avery
giwl - girl (Liv)
yesh - yes
num num - food
bop - drink
wa wa - water
wa wa - Dora
ne ne - all done/over
yayev - a possession
ya - on or off
ma - vacumn
uh-foo - dog
neigh-he - horse
tee tee - bird
moo - cow
tck tck - clock
nunt - Enchanted
wa wod - One World
bubble - have to go potty
ba - turn it on (push play)
vroo vroo - car
ah no - oh no!
ba-ha - sheep
ah-da - right there/what's that
ho ho - Santa
bwww- cold
voo - Star Wars

trash pickers, ponytails, and kindergarten spelling

5:48 PM

It's been an eventful week here at our house!

It's spring cleaning week/curbside pick up week in our town. I went through our stuff a couple months ago and was able to bag up 10 huge black bags of stuff we don't need, that I didn't want to sell, and that I just didn't want to see again.

Needless to day, I think we must have nice trash.....either that, or these people are just looking for some fun on a Tuesday afternoon.

See, that's our trash pile, and that's a family of 3, going through each of our bags, one by one, shopping, or what have you. They spent close to 45 minutes out there. We felt violated and just had to take some photos...


Liv's hair is now long enough to put all of it into a pony tail! It's not a carefully done up ponytail by any means, but hey...I think Avery was well over 3 1/2 before she had enough hair to put up!

and her goodness....
I didn't enhance this photo at all....that is how blue her eyes are.....


It's "Job" week at school, and Avery brought this home yesterday. I thought it was funny. She can read at nearly a 3rd grade level, but apparently her spelling needs some work! They call it "kindergarten spelling", where they just sound it out and spell it how they think it's supposed to be! :)
"I am a Fashin Desiner. I like to desine dress's."


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