
hand foot and mouth

8:06 PM

this thought of this little virus has always given me the shivers.  so gross...

so, when we were told that a family in our church had it, i was just hoping we didn't get it.  

i mean, Finn already had strep and I had a super bad sore throat...

Turns out, sore throat and high fever are the first signs....

then, these little buggers...

Finn had a very mild case, and it didn't seem to wear him down at all.  

We were all still planning on just going on with our Thanksgiving plans to head to Wisconsin, until.....

I get called to pick up Olivia from school with a 102 fever and sore throat, very similar to what I had been having....  the next morning, I wake up to my hands burning and tingling, and I just know what it is.....so much awful!  This is how Olivia and I felt about it :(

Let me just say that I was in no way prepared for this virus.  I read a bit about it, but was not prepared for the horrible itching that comes from it.  I basically had to have my hands in ice for days.  When I couldn't take it anymore, I went in and got some big meds and sleeping pills.  Turns out that I also got an allergic reaction of some sort from one of the creams I put on my hands...

So, here is what my hands looked like through this ordeal.... yes, i took pics...

Olivia has a few spots on her hands and feet and some around her nose and mouth. Avery has them around her mouth arms and hands....

So, basically our whole Thanksgiving was spent looking at each other, sleeping, and itching. joy.

Our church family has been so kind in bringing us Thanksgiving supper, and flowers, and again a meal tonight.  SO wonderful they all are! :)

Here is where we are tonight....more pain.  Another part I didn't prepare for.  The peeling of the skin, which is very painful.....sigh....

Hopeful this is out of our house soon, because I'm going a bit stir crazy!!!

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