in trouble...
1:31 PMmy mother told me today that i have been bad at blogging. she thought maybe i was on some sort of vacation....oops...
i'm going to try to get better at blogging again.
so, here we go...
our weather has not been pool weather yet, but we decided to go over to the wading pool to celebrate the opening of the pool...we only stayed for about 20 minutes, as the rain was coming in soon...
we're going to get a pool pass this week, and hopefully we will have a fun summer living at the pool...
Avery is involved in the reading program at the library this summer. every week there are activities that are going on. this last week was the "zoo man"...he brought 1 turtle and 3 snakes, and that was disappointing...a boy from our church got to go up front and hold the boa though...he's the one with the shaved head...and, a Susan Boyle look a like lives in our town....
besides that, i have been trying to survive each day with 2 crabby girls who are not getting along. Avery is so emotional and cries at the drop of a hat. Liv is attached to my hip, and having a problem when anyone says "goodbye" to her. add on to that my first summer cold with horrible congestion and sinus pressure, and you have lots of crabby pants in our home...
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