
2016 Trick or Treat

11:00 PM

our crew.... their outfits describe their personalities so much :)
Liv - spicy Vikings cheerleader
Avery - GOOD Sandy, from Grease
Finn - adorable cute little dino 

We decided to head over to trunk or treat first!

things you can't see:  i had the seams cut open on the back of this dress so it could actually fit her.  Girl is getting a figure!

things you can't see:  the handles of these pom pons are corn on the cob thingies :)

we stopped at our good friends house for a visit! 

and then back to our neighborhood!  Avery stayed inside to hand out candy with daddy, and Liv, Finn and I were off to visit our neighbors!!!

I used his car from last year, and just repainted it to go with his dino theme!
nothing like last minute touches!

Olivia's 10th Birthday!

10:43 PM

It's hard to believe she is ten already!  we've all survived 10 whole years! :)

Liv still LOVES horses.  I was able to contact someone in town and we were able to spend about 1.5 hours with some of Olivia's favorite horses! 

Her "party" was on her birthday, Monday, after school.  I picked her and 3 of her friends up afterschool, and off to the horse barn we went!

Chloe, Ellie, Livie, and Logan

After the horses, we picked up pizza, and went back to our house!  Lots of silly girls and giggling going on here...wow!

She received many wonderful gifts, and we are so thankful that she could have such a fun birthday with horses and friends!!! :)

Finn's Words

2:01 PM

Mr Finn is nearing 3, so i thought it would be good to document the words that he can say as of now!

ball     - ba
bible      -  bi-bah
bapa      -apa
Winnie      -nin-nee
cracker        -ka-ker
blue        -bue
green        -een
red        -bay
Avery       - ma-me
Olivia        -ba-ble-ah
Arlo        -ba-bo
boy       - bo
purple        -pu-pa
dinosaur       -da-no
nemo        -ma-mo
potty        -tee-tee
poop        -poo poo
yuck        -uck
black        -ack
mean        -me
nice        -nigh
church        -tuch
batman        -bap ba
stop        -bop
yo gabba gabba        -bo bata
dark        -ack
school        -goo

Mid October

10:48 PM

If potty training wasn't enough, Liv decided to show Finn how to climb in and out of his crib.

Yes, he was still in his crib.  He had NO idea he could get in or out of the thing, so why on earth take him out?

Surprisingly, it's not going terribly.  Thankful for that!

Today the college in town had their annual petting zoo.  Daddy has off for 2 weeks, so we ALL got to go!!! 

Liv never passes up a chance to ride a horse!

Finn wasn't that excited about them, but did let himself get semi close to them!

Our 3 punkins'  :)  ha!


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