I have been trying and trying to get Finn's room done. It is proving to be quite the challenge. I am going for an industrial-vintage-boy room.
I have been picking up things here and there for his room, and got these crates for around $6 a piece at Joann Fabrics. I then stained every.one.of.them ....took a long time
I didn't want them to be plain, so I chose 9 different dates that mean something to our family, and put them on the crates ;) I just love how they turned out!
A long way from being finished, but it is what it is for now :)
Just finished his dresser (for the time being). It used to be black, and I painted a peacock color over it, and then took some stain to it after that. I have never had a bright piece of furniture before, and I have to say that I'm loving it ;)
Olivia has been bringing home some real winners lately. I had to post a few :)

And then there's this guy....
we stopped nursing April 27th. Sad, sad, sad....
Avery usually watches him for around an hour for me each day (so I can sleep), and I love the pics I end up finding on my phone....
Here are 2 of the latest Sundays where Mr Man has been all dapper for church! Just love him!
seriously....those eyes?