
Our April

10:30 PM

I have been trying and trying to get Finn's room done.  It is proving to be quite the challenge.  I am going for an industrial-vintage-boy room.  

I have been picking up things here and there for his room, and got these crates for around $6 a piece at Joann Fabrics.  I then stained every.one.of.them ....took a long time

I didn't want them to be plain, so I chose 9 different dates that mean something to our family, and put them on the crates ;)  I just love how they turned out!

A long way from being finished, but it is what it is for now :)

Just finished his dresser (for the time being).  It used to be black, and I painted a peacock color over it, and then took some stain to it after that.  I have never had a bright piece of furniture before, and I have to say that I'm loving it ;)

Olivia has been bringing home some real winners lately.  I had to post a few :)

And then there's this guy....

we stopped nursing April 27th.  Sad, sad, sad....

Avery usually watches him for around an hour for me each day (so I can sleep), and I love the pics I end up finding on my phone....

 Here are 2 of the latest Sundays where Mr Man has been all dapper for church!  Just love him!

seriously....those eyes?  

rummage fun

8:23 PM

For a total of $20, Finn got 2 new fun toys today!!! :)  I see hours of fun to be had!!!


10:08 PM

Our Easter didn't go as we had planned.....

Finn woke up with a 101 temp, runny nose, cough, and generally feeling ick.

Plans cancelled, calls made, and Finn and mommy stay home from church :(  

Oh well.....

Here are the kiddos after church!  Finn even was able to crack out a few smiles!

Happy Easter!

so random, and Laura Ingalls Play

12:22 AM

Olivia....sometimes she is just a gem....

I have to write this down so I remember how to describe this girl's spunk and sass....
Yesterday afterschool, she was sitting on the couch.  I noticed that she was sucking on one of her fingers, and I told her, "Liv, that's gross!  Look how dirty your hands are!  They probably have bathroom germs, friend germs, and outside germs all over them! YUCK"  Then she looks at me, and continues to lick every. single. other. finger.  Notice I didn't tell her NO, but just was advising her to stop.  This child of mine.....she is something!

She and I went to Walmart the other night, and she HAD to get a water.... The expiration date on it was for 2017, so we had a running joke that she better finish it soon.  Well, here she is....with her empty water bottle!

I caught little mister the other day stacking his animals.  It may not seem like much, but there are 5 of them, and he actually got them in the right order, and they stood up.  Not only that, but they weren't on the base the right way, so I just thought it was the greatest thing....

apparently he did too!

Avery's homeschool group put on a Laura Ingalls Wilder play this evening!  They did such a great job!  Avery is sooooo tiny compared to them all!

Avery played Rose Wilder Lane :)

It was uber hot, and Finn is coming down with a cold, but he still looked dashing in his purple polo!

Avery with "Laura" and "Ma"

 and "Mary"....

and "Alfonzo" and "Pa"...
It was a grand time!


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