sick...part 2

12:40 PM

well, it, as in Avery most definitely got sick.

temperatures, body chills and sweats, sore throat, headache, and not to mention the horrible coughing.

took her in this morning to get her cough under control, and she ended up having to have blood work done and a chest x-ray. they also said she was breathing at 95%, which was too low. Blood work came back with her having a viral infection, and also her dust mites/mold allergies are showing to be very high.

so, nebulizer treatments every 4 hours, and when her temp goes down and stays down, she can go back to school...


7:04 PM

after being sick since Saturday, Liv and I finally went into the DR today. Liv was on the tail end of whatever it is she was having, and I was right smack dab in the middle.

symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, congestion, high fever, headache, sore throat, wheezy, achy body, chills, sweats, vomiting and this awful burning feeling when I breath in through my nose...

diagnosis: some sort of bronchitis/RSV/Pneumonia/Influenza A combo...isn't that lovely...

Liv is on one medicine, and I am on 4. Avery started on some tonight, just to fight anything that she might have that's coming on. If she got what I have, she would end up in the hospital, I am sure of it. It's just the absolute worst... I am so thankful for a DR that is pro-active about Avery, knowing how fragile she is...

oh, and add to that the whole trying to sell our house thing....showings when you are sick are the pits...

happy valentine's day

11:38 AM

i'd love to say this was my idea, but as i was searching around for ideas on some blogs, i found this idea and i knew we just had to do it! i love how it turned out (even her cute toothless smile)!

i love to...

9:46 PM

One of the things I really like to do is re-decorate the girls room. It's one of my favorite things to do! My husband doesn't like it, however, because it means him painting, and me spending a little bit of change.

I have been dreaming up what I want to do in case we move (because, ya know, we DO have a for sale sign up in the front of our house), and I put all my ideas here so you can share in my insanity!

This could change a time or two, but as of right now, this is what I would love for them! I only wish it was this fun to decorate a master bedroom....


10:46 PM

our family just returned home last night from visiting my parents in Wisconsin.

we had such a great time! the girls were spoiled rotten, and so were we. Carlos O'Kelleys, Happy Joes, Taco Bell, Rocky Rococo's...can't get any better than that!

Avery went to her allergist on Monday morning and was given her peanut drop. she had no reactions, and for that we are thankful. she was tested for 5 new outside trees/molds/stuff, and so now more allergens have been added to her inhalant drops. we return in 6 months for another appointment. below are 2 photos i took with my phone that show what the skin test looks like after it's injected, and then the next photo shows how Avery reacts to them all...yes, allergic to them all, i would say...

drove through some nasty snow last night as we were coming home. snow drifts a plenty were out in full force...

our house will officially go on the mls market next Tuesday. our Realtor came over today and we talked the whole thing over. he comes back on Thursday to take photos and get measurements of our house. i think he'll also put the sign in the front yard at that time as well. that will make it seem even more real...

busy cleaning my house, organizing everything, and making it look spic and span for showings. hopefully we will get a lot of traffic through here next week....


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