
Memorial Day Weekend...

6:40 PM

 Olivia took a maternity dress that a friend of mine is borrowing me, and made it her own! ;)  Girl loves her fashion!

Nana and Bapa were here for a couple of days....we went to Applebees on Sunday night!  And, Avery has straight hair :)  We thought we'd do something a little different....

Sophie, Winnie and Mesa waiting for Bapa to come home....

I am growing pumpkins this summer.  I planted 72 of them (ha!) and I think about 6 different kinds.  We shall see what comes of it :)

2 more days of school left here, and then summer is here, and I officially have a 1st and 5th grader on my hands!  I see hours of relaxing at the pool in our future!

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