
My sweet, sweet Livvie

8:26 PM

So, this little girl, my firecracker...she has learned a few things, in a few short (2) days...

1. how to climb up onto her high chair, yes, all the way UP, smile, and giggle...she knows she's not supposed to.
2. how to pull out Avery's big girl chair from the dining room table, and climb up and sit on it...
3. how to pull off a marker cap, color all over the table, chairs, walls, and then put the marker cap back on.
4. how to scream at the top of her lungs and throw herself down on the floor when she is unhappy...

All of this, by the age of (almost) 18 months. I wonder what is in store for me! I sure hope no one tells her that she can actually climb in and out of her crib....

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